Potentia Pool
1. initializePool
function initializePool(uint256 _initialLiq) external payable
Once a new pool is deployed, it must be initialised using initializePool
. This functions sets the necessary parameters in the pool and adds the initial liquidity to start the pool. No other function on the PotentiaPool.sol
can be called unless the pool is initialised.
Name | Type | Description |
_initialLiq | uint256 | Initial Liquidity to add to the pool |
Only the Pool Operator call call this function.
2. getX
function getX() public view returns (UD x, UD p)
This function doesn't accept any parameters. It return 2 values i.e
3. longCondition
function longCondition() public view returns (UD)
This function is a view function that returns the long condition in the payoff curve. It's used to determine the current long payoff. This doesn't accept any parameter and returns the long condition value.
4. shortCondition
function shortCondition() public view returns (UD)
This function is a view function that returns the short condition in the payoff curve. It's used to determine the current short payoff. This doesn't accept any parameter and returns the short condition value.
5. longPayoff
function longPayoff(UD x) public view returns (UD)
This function is also a view only function that returns the current Long Payoff(
Name | Type | Description |
x | uint256 | Price of the underlying asset |
6. shortPayoff
function shortPayoff(UD x) public view returns (UD)
This view only function returns the current Short Payoff(
Name | Type | Description |
x | uint256 | Price of the underlying asset |
7. liquidity
function liquidity(UD x) public view returns (UD)
This view only function returns the counter-party liquidity of the pool.
Name | Type | Description |
x | uint256 | Price of the underlying asset |
8. addLiquidity
function addLiquidity(uint256 _amount) external nonReentrant
This is a write function to add liquidity to the pool. All the liquidity added using this function is considered as counter-party liquidity. It transfers the underlying to the pool, mints the LpPToken and transfers them to the caller.
Name | Type | Description |
_amount | uint256 | Amount of underlying to be added to the pool |
9. removeLiquidity
function removeLiquidity(uint256 _shares) external nonReentrant
This is a write function to remove liquidity from the pool. It transfers the LpPtoken to the pool. The pool burns the LpPToken and transfers the calculated underlying asset to the caller.
Name | Type | Description |
_shares | uint256 | Amount of LpPTokens to be burnt |
10. openPosition
function openPosition(uint256 amt, bool isLong) external nonReentrant
This is a write function to open a position in the pool. It transfers the underlying asset to the pool and the pool mints the calculated number of long or short Ptokens to the caller.
Name | Type | Description |
amt | uint256 | Amount of underlying to add to the pool |
isLong | bool | true for long position; false for short position |
10. closePosition
function closePosition(uint256 shares, bool isLong) external nonReentrant
This is a write function to close a position in the pool. It transfers the PTokens to the pool and the pool calculates and transfers the underlying asset back to the caller.
Name | Type | Description |
shares | uint256 | Amount of Ptoken to burn |
isLong | bool | true for long position; false for short position |